Masks: A Bionicle 2003 Fanzine
Happy #810nicle Day! Bionicle: Illustrated is back! This year 26 artists from across the globe have teamed up to make a FREE 52 PAGE fan-zine, filled with comics, illustrations, and renders galore! Witness the rise of the TOA NUVA! Then the SWARM STRIKES BACK with the arrival of the thieving BOHROK-KAL! And even when they thought that would be the worst of it, MAKUTA HATCHES A DEADLY SCHEME to take over the Island of MATA-NUI once and for all, when news of the MASK OF LIGHT makes it's arrival. As the RAHKSHI spread fear and destruction, it's up to Takua and Jaller to find the SEVENTH TOA! In the Toa's darkest hour... A HERO WILL BE REVEALED!
52 Page Color PDF
@morganryanart @pokoromorgan
BIONICLE and all associated logos are trademarks of The LEGO Group, which does not sponsor this fan zine. This fan zine is produced under Fair Use Law and good faith practices per The LEGO Group's Trademark and Copyright Policies. All other trademarks and logos belong to their respective holders. All rights reserved. Published August 10th, 2023.
A 52 Page Color PDF Fanzine featuring comics, illustrations, renders, and more...